With the Fair Care Service, your Digital Workplace stays fresh!
Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!
Your benefits from the Fair Care Service
With our basic subscription, we always guarantee fast responses.
We help in the evergreen operation of your Digital Workplace solution and are part of your Digital Workplace team - remote or on-site.
You can focus on what you are really good at and thus preserve your company's liquidity.
Take smart advantage of the evergreen approach of the Microsoft Cloud - through targeted further development and continuous improvement of your solutions.
Secure and reliable operation of solutions and applications in the Microsoft 365 environment.
You need experienced experts up your sleeve? You receive our expert know-how as needed. This provides security for your solutions in Microsoft 365.
Meaningful bookable services with a focus on internal digital communication and the management of intranet and digital workplace with Microsoft technology. The Fair Care Service supports you with agile procedures and defined processes and interfaces.

This is the Fair Care Service