Individual business app | Event management platform
Event organization in the digital workplace

Manage all events from a single platform
With an individually developed business application for the management of events. This is a component of the digital workplace and also offers independent access to events – whether on the desktop or mobile.
The core functions are research and registration, including monitored participation capacities and a move-up list for participants. Each event can be described on one page, including pictures and videos, and users can register directly or be placed on the move-up list. Of course, participation lists are also available to the organizer for further processing.

Search and find events
- Event search via free text field.
- Selecting the displayed events by the search period or the filter.
- Cumulative display of search results.
- Color-coded display of mandatory events for each employee.
- Display of all regular events.

Pre-registration of events: Interest can be expressed for planned events.

Direct redirection to the registration form for the event.

Direct dial-in point for live online events.
Events in detail
- All important information compactly at a glance.
- Presentation of the event managers.
- Discount offer is highlighted directly.
- Space for detailed program description and other information about the event.

Personal event overview
- Representation of the user's logged-in or active events.
- Information customized for the visitor - so that he gets the information relevant to him at a glance.
- Centrally displayed access to events that are currently running.
Would you like more information about our examples? Then feel free to contact us directly and discuss how we can implement a modern solution for your digital workplace!