360° customer view of documents and attachments in Microsoft Teams
Document management in Microsoft Teams

The path to modern document management
Every attachment is a project. There is of course a standardized procedure, but the respective planning, design, documentation and commissioning must often be created with several experts – especially via intensive coordination as can take place in Teams – which allows flexible sharing and joint editing of the documents.
However, secure documentation must also be created for each attachment, which is stored long-term in a central SharePoint-based document management system (DMS). No one wants to have to search through old teams years later. At the same time, we want to benefit from the flexibility of discussion and document processing – without too many processes or an old-fashioned DMS. Our business app example shows how documents from Teams can be entered into the DMS. All in all, information on customers and attachements is available faster and more easily. The attachment documentation is created with Teams directly in M365 and is added to the file at the end.
Efficient handling of documents with Teams and DMS
- Check in and index documents directly and conveniently from Teams into the DMS.
- Files can be selected and edited via the Teams interface.
- Files thus belong to the attachment and are assigned different access rights - they are available to the attachment users.
Full overview of customer files in Teams
- Customer and key data from ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are available via interfaces, which can be used for categorization.
- Documents from an existing archive system for customer orders are also integrated.
- The result: a file that summarizes all customer matters from the order to the attachment - a 360° view of the customer and the attachments directly in Microsoft Teams.

Would you like more information about our examples? Then feel free to contact us directly and discuss how we can implement a modern solution for your digital workplace!