Successful intranet migration to the Microsoft 365 world

Request our free white paper on intranet migration now and get a proven approach based on our detailed and extensive project experience from various migrations.

Successfully migrate your intranet to the Microsoft 365 world in 7 steps

Outdated, static, no longer up to date (technically) in terms of design, lack of modern communication and interaction options, exhausted technical possibilities, desire for Microsoft 365 environment: The reasons for migrating an existing intranet can be complex. With Microsoft 365, you already have all the tools at hand to design a modern communication environment – neither additional licenses nor add-ons are required! Whether you are coming from a non-Microsoft intranet, a SharePoint intranet add-on solution or a SharePoint on-premises intranet: We will show you a suitable way to migrate your existing platform to Microsoft’s cloud environment.
Whitepaper Migration Intranet

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