Your free guide to a successful employee app

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Checklist for your successful employee app

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The solution for your employee app

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""Checklist for your successful employee app":

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With our checklist for a successful employee app

The employee app not only serves as an addition for all colleagues, expanding workplace connectivity and enabling effective communication, collaboration, and access to relevant information even on the go or outside the office. It also facilitates the inclusion of previously digitally unreachable employees, bridges all employees, and connects them with each other.

However, as with any new technology or tool, it’s crucial for companies to conduct careful planning before introducing an employee app. A checklist can help ensure that key factors are considered. In our white paper, we have therefore developed essential points for you to clarify.

Look forward to the following topics:

• What added value does the app provide for your audience?

• What role does interactive communication play and how can you implement it?

• How can your audience use the employee app and how do you ensure security?

• What considerations are there regarding costs and licenses?

• What advantages does Microsoft 365 offer in implementing an employee app?

• Why is the strategic perspective crucial?