About UmweltBank
UmweltBank is an independent private bank owned by over 14,000 shareholders. For 25 years, it has combined finance with environmental and social responsibility. It has committed itself to environmental protection not only with its name, but also in its articles of association. No other bank allows investors to put their money to work in such a consistently environmentally friendly way. Germany’s greenest bank has already financed almost 25,000 environmental projects with low-interest development loans. At UmweltBank, relieving the burden on nature and achieving financial success are equally important goals. That is why it regularly publishes its results in an integrated sustainability and annual report. The company measures its success not only in terms of key economic figures, but also in terms of the CO2 emissions saved by financing innovative environmental projects.

More on the topic on our german blog
2. March 2023
Stefanie Poledne