Partnership with atarax
About atarax
Strategy before organization, organization before technology – this is the motto of the atarax group of companies. atarax has made it its business to advise and support its clients neutrally and objectively in all matters of corporate security – and thus to contribute to their peace of mind. Lawyers from the specialist areas of data protection, compliance, information security and data protection practitioners work for the group. atarax is an active member of the Berufsverband der Deutschen Datenschutzbeauftragten e. V. (Professional Association of German Data Protection Officers), the Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit e. V. (Society for Data Protection and Data Security), the Risk Management Association e. V. (Risk Management Association) and the Interessengemeinschaft für Katastrophenschutz, Selbstschutz und Notfallvorsorgeplanung e. V. (Community of Interest for Disaster Prevention, Self-Protection and Emergency Preparedness Planning).

Reasons for the partnership
The numerous laws and regulations from labor law and data protection with complicated implementation regulations represent a burden for companies. Together with atarax, we offer you guidance on how to comply with labor law and data protection regulations.
With the help of the group of companies, we provide our customers with reliable and protected operation of the Microsoft Cloud. So your data is safe.
What is the service portfolio?
The core competencies of atarax are in the areas of information protection (know-how protection), data protection management, liability management (compliance), emergency / crisis management (emergency preparedness planning), IT security management, property security management, operational disaster prevention and fire protection management.
More on the topic on our german blog
14. October 2022

Ireen Scholze
14. October 2022

Ireen Scholze