Project management with Microsoft Teams

Your key to entrepreneurial success

In today’s business world, efficient project management is the key to competitiveness. It’s not just about the pure implementation of projects, but about the art of using resources effectively, developing clear strategies and inspiring your teams.

Make Microsoft Teams the heart of your project management and seamlessly integrate all aspects of your project. Benefit from smooth communication, collaborative teamwork and centralized file management. Make your project management more efficient and productive with Microsoft Teams.

Why Microsoft Teams for your project management?

Microsoft Teams is not just another tool – it is the solution to the challenges of modern project work. In the agile project methodology, which is becoming increasingly important, communication is crucial. Regular meetings, sprint planning and daily coordination are essential. Microsoft Teams seamlessly integrates these processes and offers a communication platform that goes far beyond simple file storage.

Projektmanagement mit Microsoft Teams

The advantages of Microsoft Teams in project management

Effective communication

Teams offers a variety of communication channels, from online meetings and chats to joint document work. This integration creates a communicative network that increases efficiency.

Structured project planning
With the option of creating individual channels for specific teams or sub-projects, you can maintain an overview. Our tried-and-tested methods help you to design your channel structure sensibly and assign employees easily.

Clear distribution of tasks

By integrating planners and other tools, tasks can be clearly assigned and tracked. This facilitates collaboration and increases productivity.

Efficient meetings
From preparation to follow-up work - Microsoft Teams organizes your meetings seamlessly. Ideas are collected in the planner backlog, discussed in the conversation function and structured in OneNote. This makes meetings shorter and more efficient.

Expandability and adaptability

Microsoft Teams not only offers the standard functions, but can also be expanded. With various connectors, apps and bots, you can customize and extend Teams to meet your specific requirements.

Successful project management with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is not the definitive, stand-alone project management tool.However, it is an extremely flexible platform that becomes a powerful tool through intelligent integrations and customizations.Teams not only enables smooth communication, but also comprehensive planning and documentation in one place.Clever extensions turn Teams into not just a chat tool, but a fully-fledged project management system that integrates seamlessly into the way your company works.

Projektmanagement out of the box

The Teams Manager from Solution2Share supports automation and efficiency in project management with its functions.With standardized templates for project rooms, folders and task lists, project managers save a lot of time.Naming rules provide a better overview, while lifecycles automatically archive completed projects.

German technical article series: Project management with MS Teams

In today’s digital working world, there are a variety of tools and platforms designed to help companies manage their projects.One of these tools that has been in the spotlight for some time now is Microsoft Teams. Many believe that Teams is the ultimate project management tool, but is this really the case? Find out in our series of specialist articles how Teams can help you, where the limits are and which tried-and-tested tips you should definitely follow.

Would you like to redesign your project management and integrate it directly into Microsoft Teams?

Feel free to contact us, we will accompany you on this path and provide you with the right procedure.